Alexander Gonçalves

Collaborating professor


Assistant Professor of Philosophy at State University of Northern Paraná- UENP, Jacarezinho campus, and collaborating professor in the Graduate Program in Philosophy at UEM. He has a degree in Philosophy and a specialization in Education from the State University of Maringá - UEM, a Master's degree in Philosophy from the Western Paraná State University - Unioeste, and a PhD in Philosophy from the University of São Paulo - USP,  where he presented the dissertation "Style and Formation in the Philosophy of the Young Nietzsche" under the orientation of Scarlett Z. Marton, PhD. He is a member of  the Nietzsche Study Group - GEN at Unioeste and the Study Group in Philosophy, Education and Society - GEPFES at UENP.

Research Field: Metaphysics and Knowledge

Lattes Curriculum

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