Max Rogério Vicentini

Permanent professor


Associate Professor at the Department of Philosophy from the State University of Maringá - UEM. He holds a degree in Philosophy from São Paulo State University - Unesp (1994), a Master’s degree in Logic and Epistemology from the State University of Campinas - Unicamp (1998) and PhD in Philosophy from the University of São Paulo - USP, with an internship at the SPHERE team of the CNRS and at the Université Paris VII - Denis Diderot, under the guidance of Prof. Michel Paty, PhD (2012). He was a postdoctoral fellowship in the Graduate Program in Philosophy at Unesp, under the supervision of Maria E. Q. Gonzalez, PhD (2018).  He has experience in Philosophy, with emphasis on Philosophy of Science, working mainly on the following topics: philosophy, philosophy of technology, Peirce, cognitive science and qualia.



Research Field: Metaphysics and Knowledge

Lattes Curriculum


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