Area of Concentration: Philosophy

Research developed by the Department of Philosophy’s teaching staff manifests the common feature of treating philosophical inquiry as a field of current and pressing problems for which the examination of the original sources of the history of philosophy is a necessary subsidy.  Philosophy is our area of concentration, which expresses the mainly thematic orientation according to which the works enter into dialogue, keeping the Program from focusing on certain historical periods, while at the same time taking the History of Philosophy itself as worthy of question. According to this conception, the historical approach of Philosophy remains highly relevant, although it is subordinated to the demarcation of the fields of investigation of the Program’s research fields: “Metaphysics and Knowledge” and “Aesthetics and Social Philosophy”. The organization of the Program’s research fields reflects the concern with the development and constitution of philosophical questions according to two cardinal aspects. On one hand, Philosophy is approached through logic and ontology, focusing on the questions raised by the problem of knowledge and language.  On the other hand, the relationship between art and society, as investigated by Philosophy, is the subject of a critical-historical approach, in which Philosophy's dialogue with culture and tradition is reflected in the properly speculative questions about Aesthetics, Politics, and History.