José Antonio Martins

Permanent professor


Associate Professor at the Department of Philosophy from the State University of Maringá - UEM. He held a Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy (1996), a Teaching License in Philosophy (1998) and a Master’s degree in Philosophy (2001) from the University of São Paulo - USP. PhD in Philosophy from the University of São Paulo, with a sandwich internship at the Università di Pisa, Italy (2007). Postdoctoral studies in Philosophy at the Università di Padova, Italy (2011). He has experience in the area of Philosophy, with emphasis in the areas of Political Philosophy, History of Medieval Philosophy and Classical Political Theory. He also has experience in the area of Teaching of Philosophy and Teaching Formation. His research fields are: the political thought of Machiavelli and the Italian Renaissance, Medieval Political Aristotelianism, Republicanism.  

Research Field: Aesthetics and Social Philosophy

Lattes Curriculum

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