Wilson Antonio Frezzatti Jr.

Permanent professor


Associate Professor at the Western Paraná State University – Unioeste. Professor of the Postgraduate Course in Philosophy at the State University of Maringá (UEM). PhD in Philosophy at University of São Paulo - USP (2004), he developed postdoctoral research in France, with Prof. Patrick Wotling (2009-2010), and at Federal University of Santa Catarina - UFSC, with Prof. Gustavo Caponi (2014-2015). Coordinator of the Grupo de Estudos Nietzsche - GEN. Member of the following groups: International Group HyperNietzsche, Groupe International de Recherches sur Nietzsche - GIRN and GT-Nietzsche - ANPOF. He published the books: "Nietzsche e psicofisiologia francesa do século XIX", "Nietzsche contra Darwin" and "A fisiologia de Nietzsche". He translated “Les maladies de la personnalité” by Théodule Ribot. He supervises dissertations and thesis on the following themes: Nietzsche, Metaphysics and Knowledge, Philosophy of Biology and Mechanism.  

Research Field: Metaphysics and Knowledge



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