
UEM’s Graduate Program in Philosophy was approved by CAPES in November, 2011, with an initial concept 3 and started its activities in 2012. The opening of the Master’s degree in Philosophy reflected the efforts of its young teaching staff, at the time mostly made up of recent doctoral researchers, and from the institutional policies of the State University of Maringá, which, in the last decades, have transformed it into an expressive university hub on the national scene. The Philosophy’s undergraduate course was created in 2000, initially linked to the Department of Social Sciences; the creation of the Department of Philosophy in 2008 gave the group of researchers the necessary autonomy and structure for the success of the project to create the graduate program, also favoring the pursuit of excellence of the Teaching License degree in Philosophy, which received the maximum grade of 5 on the ENADE (Student Performance National Exam - ENADE) 2011 and kept its recognized standard by obtaining a grade of 4 on the ENADE 2014. The beginning of the Program contributes to the consolidation of research fields in Philosophy at the State University of Maringá and its interdisciplinary relations with the fields of Physics, Mathematics, Modern Languages, Arts, Psychology, History, Social Sciences and Education, among other areas, which represents a significant achievement celebrated by UEM’s university community. UEM’s Graduate Program in Philosophy (PGF), Master’s degree level, has an area of concentration, “Philosophy”, which includes two research fields: “Metaphysics and Knowledge” and “Aesthetics and Social Philosophy”. The Philosophy Area of UEM’s Graduate Program in Philosophy constitutes itself as a field of articulation of the teaching staff’s research and works. In principle, the teaching staff’s nature reflects the diversity proposal of the undergraduate course, which is to embrace the diversity that is proper to Philosophy. According to the need of specialization and verticalization of the graduate course, the Graduate Program’s proposal is to deepen the philosophical formation, aiming at the staff formation for academic research, as well as teaching in Higher and Secondary Education, attracting not only recent graduates in Philosophy and related areas, but also professionals already established in the job market, such as High School teachers from the state educational system who graduated with the Teaching License degree in Philosophy from UEM and other institutions. The interdisciplinary nature of Philosophy is also reflected in the course’s proposal and in its capacity to offer students and professionals from other areas such as Social Sciences, Education, Psychology, Mathematics and Arts, among others, the opportunity to investigate the theoretical assumptions of their original fields.